Gore 1.60.9 Changelist
(Public Installer Version)
- Fixed the loading screens for single player mode.
- Fixed a bug which made the "Scenario" option in the in-game server creator not selectable.
- Startup screen now displays Gore's ESRB rating, and content warning.
- Startup screen now simplified to one screen of info.
- Added two new visual descriptions of Premium key features to the loading screen.
- Added two new face icons to game font.
- Sound setup menu now plays a random sound effect when you change the volume, to better gauge your choice.
- Sound setup menu bug fixed which prevented people from clicking to reach 100%.
- Gore's initial default setting for bandwidth is now at a higher setting instead of 56k.
- Gore's initial default setting for volume is now 100% instead of 50%.
- Replaced Vertigo thumbnail with one which matches the new look of the map.
- Added F1 help window for Assault mode.
- Shafted is removed from the game due to technical and gameplay issues.*
- Extended the death volume in Vertigo so players will not pass it and fall for much longer.
- Fixed two invisible brushes in Vertigo which caused players to occasionally catch on them.
- Fixed a few ladders in Ascension which were sometimes hard to climb if you weren't aligned perfectly.
- Removed old, unneeded nuke warehead from old bombing missions from a few levels.
- Fixed an invisible collision in MOB base in Gothic.
- Removed some 2D iron gates from Compound which mistakingly appeared in Assault.
- Fixed an area in Compound near the Silos where players became stuck on the fence.
- Returned the rocket launcher in Plant to it's old position, floating in air above the jump pad.
- Fixed some texturing errors in Illegal.
- Fixed a typo in the title of "Steps of Cygnus" which appeared in the main menu.
- Made the pickups for CTF in Cygnus a bit more even between bases.
- Removed the wall\gate in front of UMC base in Illegal which appeared in CTF mode.
- Fixed the teleporters in Anthem so the glow effect once again appears.
- Fixed a bug in Gothic which made it appear in the game as a CTF map.
- Did some texturing and lighting work to Compound.
- Some level titles are now shortened in the menu, matching the filename title everyone calls them anyway.
- Did some texturing work and completely relit Metal Muse.
- Fixed a texturing error in Warehouse.
- Fixed collisions on metal doors which appear in some modes in Warehouse so shots will not pass through them.
- Fixed computer controlled UMC mediums in Singleplayer from not changing to melee after their guns ran out of ammo.
- Chicks spawn with healers again in Deathmatch\CTF again.
- Shaun uses the UMC Sniper Rifle again.
- UMC sniper rifle primary fire is slightly less accurate when used by non sniper classes..
- Taunts are now titled as numbers so the commands are simply "taunt #" instead of "taunt Taunt#".**
- Meatsaw is much more accurate when attempting to cut objects in motion.
- Healing gas will no longer heal Ore Cells in tactical.
- Workaround for a glitch which made heavies take less head shot damage than other players despite being set to be equal.
- Flamethrower primary can now set fire to surfaces, but in smaller size than secondary.
- Completely replaced the sky in Vertigo and Ascension.
- Did some texturing and lighting work to Vertigo and Industrial.
- Did some graphics work to Illegal Tender.
- Fixed a texture error in Warehouse SP mission.
- Retextured the exterior of MOB base in Tucson with a higher resolution texture.
- Fixed some texturing errors in Tucson.
- Adjusted the spot fire effects.
- Did some texturing work to Plant.
- Replaced a few ambient sounds.
- Did some sound work to Illegal Tender.
- Added some more taunt sounds to the players.
- Adjusted volume on some taunts.
- URL protocol for connecting to gore servers via web browser gorese:// links is implemented automatically during installation. ***
*Server admins will need to remove shafted from their map rotations.
**Players who previously had taunts bound to keys will need to redo those binds.
***Players who already have Gore installed via the beta installer would need to manually install the mod. The mod and readme file is located in the Gore\tools\ folder.
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